The days continue to chop and change with side effects. I had a great day on Friday but totally collapsed in exhaustion late afternoon and that continued throughout Saturday. Then I picked up Saturday night and wasn't able to sleep till midnight! Go figure! Today I am once again feeling quite weary.
Wednesday I had my last scan before harvest on Monday. My follicles have continued to develop and there were around 10 measuring 13-14mm. So, I would imagine they have reached the goal size of 17mm by now. I'm feeling sore and heavy in the ovaries and I find that if I have a full bladder it is more uncomfortable!
We did the last puregon and orgalutron injections on Friday night and did the trigger injection (ovidrel) last night (Saturday). So today is a day off for injections before theatre tomorrow.
I must admit to not coping all that well in the last few days. I think doing this round on the back end of two miscarriages is taking its toll on my emotions and body. At this point, I don't know that I could go through another round. Fingers crossed we won't have to!
I also have a lot of anxiety over going under for the egg harvest. I have so many fears of it, all related to my physical well being. I always fear the worst. I just need to remember that I get knocked out and then in the next blink of an eye it is all over. And that during the procedure I am under good care. If anything goes wrong, I have an absolutely awesome doctor, in fact I will have two doctors for this procedure, so I am being well looked after. It doesn't take away my fear but I am focusing in on those thoughts to help me.
Today we are hanging out with some friends. They are moving house in a couple of weeks and I offered to help them pack. It will be a good distraction as well as great company for the day. I'll do what I can energy wise and I know Dave will keep an eye out for me and not let me do too much.
I'm looking forward to the next week moving along quickly. The 5 day wait after the harvest to find out if we have any good embryos and then the transfer procedure. All things I will be glad to have completed.
Wish me luck for Monday's harvest!
Much luck to you. Xoxo