Monday, June 21, 2010

Holding My Breath

It's Day 38 and I'm holding my breath.  I'm finding myself going to the toilet more often just to check!  Each day that passes gets us a little more hopeful.  D's mum has been with us the last few days so we've been waiting to do a pregnancy test.  She left yesterday and we got the test today.  If all stays as it is, then we will do the test tomorrow morning.  Eeeek!

I'm not sure how I am feeling.  Lots of emotions really, depending on the moment.  I'm eager to do the test, yet I am also happy to wait.  Each hour, each day that passes with no period is a good thing.  Doing the test and having a BPN will break the spell.  But a BFP...  well, just smiles all around!!  And then off to the doctors for confirmation, then to the naturopath for a change of herbs, the acupuncturist to make sure the pregnancy holds.

Oh dear.  Until tomorrow...


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

  2. Oh I DO hope this is it! Got everything crossed for you xx

  3. I'll say a little prayer. Many blessings!

  4. Me too ... everything crossed!

  5. sending such positive fertile thoughts your way! xo

  6. Can you please just go and do the test now? The suspense is killing me, never mind you!!! :-)

    Fingers crossed, I am hoping for the very best of news for your both.
