Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Results Day!

I get my results today. 1.30 pm.  Unless of course I have to wait an hour like we did the first time!

D may come or not, depending on his work load today.  I told him it would be nice to have him there, but it isn’t important.  I can give him all the info when I get home and I know his thoughts on how we should or shouldn’t proceed from here.  I definitely wanted him with me for the HSG scan, but he doesn’t need to attend this appointment.

I’m finding myself a bit nervous about it.  What is wrong with me????!! 

But I’m still in a place of knowing that things happen for a reason and everything in it’s own time and place.

Okay, that thought has made me excited about finding out the results.

What a mixture of emotions this journey can bring.

I must go and get ready for work.  I’m dragging my feet again this morning.  I just want to be doing other things!

Go on, A, get moving…  into the shower!

Photo:  Engagement Day.  Over on the island.  We caught the horse drawn train on the way back.  Beautiful creatures they are, the draught horse.



  1. What a beautiful horse and photo! Results! I trust you will be posting!

  2. I will most definitely be posting results, Deb!!

  3. I'm excited about your results too!
    Best wishes!!!
